Organic Lemons


18/2lb bag, 16/16oz bag / Bulk 38lb

Rainbow Valley Orchards’ tart lemons are one of the most versatile fruits for sweet and savory cooking, and they’re packed with vitamin C. Squeeze a wedge of fresh lemon over steamed vegetables for loads of flavor without added fat or sodium.


18/2# 7 51972 04100 2 38lbs 14.5×12.5×14 8T/5H/40
16/16oz 7 51972 03102 7 18lbs 18X15.5X7.5 9T/8H/72
115/95/75ct 94053 43lbs 17x11x10.75 9T/6H/54
Copyright 1991 - 2024 Rainbow Valley Orchards